A92 Minute: Watch Your Weight
Check out this Genie A92 Minute about monitoring the weight inside a mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) in accordance with the updated ANSI A92 and CSA B354 Standards:
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Approved Material Handling Attachments for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms
At Genie, we receive calls on a regular basis from jobsite supervisors and contractors regarding operators wanting to use homemade attachments on mobile elevated work platforms (MEWPs) and/or using MEWPs to lift materials in a manner that is not consistent with the designed purpose of these type of machines.
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Make Your Website Work Harder for Your Rental Company
Take a fresh look at your rental business’s website. Is it doing everything it can for you in the year ahead?
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A92 Minute: Maintenance and Repair Training
Check out this Genie A92 Minute on conducting Maintenance and Repair Training in accordance with the updated ANSI A92 and CSA B354 Standards.
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What Is Range of Motion?
Telescopic and articulating boom lifts rotate, elevate and extend multiple boom sections to help operators access difficult to reach worksites.
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Service Minute: Check Your MEWPs Quarterly for Open Bulletins and Owner Registration
Quality and safety are built into all Genie® mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs). We use safety and product notices to communicate vital information that may impact the well-being of the operator or the long-term performance of the machines we make.
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Familiarization: What Is It and Why Is It Important
An important aspect of the new ANSI A92.22-2018 and CSA B354.7:17 standards is the requirement that the user (which is most commonly the employer) develop a safe use plan specific to Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs).
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Clearing Up the Confusion: Fall Protection Requirements on Group B MEWPs
When it comes to using fall protection equipment for on mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), many still do not fully understand, or comprehend, the requirements in the ANSI A92 and CSA B354 standards, as well as the OSHA and OHS requirements, for fall protection on MEWPs in the United States and Canada.
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Updated Training Requirements
One of the biggest challenges facing our industry today is how to increase awareness about why safety training is so important.
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A92 Minute: Occupant and Emergency Training
Check out this Genie A92 Minute on conducting Occupant and Emergency Training in accordance with the updated ANSI A92 and CSA B354 Standards.
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Service Minute: Interpreting Display Information on Deutz Engines
On Genie® mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) equipped with Deutz engines, it is important to know and understand the machine’s display information in order to control maintenance repair time because controlling maintenance repair time is critical to lowering fleet costs.
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What Constitutes Proper MEWP Training?
One of the biggest challenges facing our industry today is how to increase awareness about why safety training is so important.
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A92 Minute: Safe Use Planning
Check out this Genie A92 Minute on conducting Safe Use Planning in accordance with the updated ANSI A92 and CSA B354 Standards.
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Service Minute: Check the Turntable Rotation Bearing Bolts
Good operating condition and extended life expectancy of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) are largely influenced by regular care and maintenance.
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How Aerial Operator Protection Evolves
When developing new operator protection technology, you must reach beyond equipment and listen to the workers who are using it each and every day.
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A92 Minute: Supervisor Training
Check out this Genie A92 Minute on conducting Supervisor Training in accordance with the updated ANSI A92 and CSA B354 Standards.
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What Type of Harness Do I Need to Operate a Genie® Aerial Lift?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created in 1970 to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.
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MEWP Safe Use Plan: Occupant Instruction
The operator of a mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) is responsible for providing instruction or confirming that all occupants have received instructions to have a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWP.
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MEWP Safe Use Plan: Selecting the Appropriate MEWP
Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) come in a variety of designs and unique performance characteristics.
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MEWP Safe Use Plan: Creating Rescue Plans
When a person falls or is ejected from a mobile elevating work platform (MEWP), it only takes a short period of time for them to experience suspension trauma (blood pooling in their legs) even if they are wearing a properly fitted full-body harness.
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MEWP Safe Use Plan: Risk Assessment
The new ANSI A92.22-2018 and CSA B354.7:17 Standards should have everyone who uses mobile elevating work platforms reevaluating or creating a safe use plan.
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