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Experience the Genie® XTRA CAPACITY Difference Choose Your Boom Lift Choose the Work at Height Choose Your Units of Measurement Choose Your Materials & Attachments How Many People are Going Up? Congrat­ulations with Genie® XC You're Ready for Operation Warning Operation Cancelled Thanks for Playing!


Remember - Platform load sense (aka overload system or load sense system) continuously checks the weight in the platform and disables certain functions if the load is above the platform load limit.

Touch or click checked icons to remove the associated objects from the basket.

This interactive tool was developed to educate rental companies and end users of the ANSI A92 and CSA B354 standards update that mandate equipment be equipped with platform load sense technology.

  • Platform load sense technology assesses the weight of operators and equipment in the work platform and will only allow machine operation if the total load is within the rated capacity of the Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) formerly known as Aerial Work Platforms.
  • Equipment with a load sensing system will monitor the weight in the work platform and disable functionality if the rated capacity is exceeded.

Play the interactive to learn more.

Rough Framing/Welding

Welding Tools

Window/Glass Work/Siding



Electrical Plug in Outlet







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Platform load sense (aka overload system or load sense system) continuously checks the weight in the platform and disables certain functions if the load is above the platform load limit.

Floor space available in virtual basket is full.

In the real world you could probably squeeze that in, but, alas, this is only a game.

Sorry, only one object can fit in the cradle.

Sorry, you can only have one of each material.

Sorry, you can only have one of each type of attachment.

Sorry, you can only have one of each type of person.

Sorry, industry standard basket only holds up to two people.

The Genie XC basket holds up to three people. Change booms and you can add another person!

Sorry, basket only holds up to three people.