More Changes to the ANSI and CSA Standards You Need to Know About

by Scott Owyen - Director of Training On Oct 3, 2019, 03:00 AM
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ANSI and CSA standards for safe use and training were not updated for many years (prior to now, ANSI boom, scissor lift and manually propelled standards were last updated in 2006, and CSA standards go back even further). Now in an effort to align more with an international standard (ISO 16368), ANSI and CSA standards will share more similarities, although there will still be some slight differences. For example, the current ANSI and CSA standards are product specific (i.e. there is a standard for each type of MEWPs), but the new revisions will be subject matter based standards (i.e. safe use, training and design).
To prepare for these standards changes, it is important for users (defined as employers) to understand the more significant changes, especially because some of them are some are specific to ANSI or CSA only, while others are shared between the two standards.
Major standards changes to be aware of include:
- Safe Use Planning
- Supervisor Training
- Occupant Training
- Maintenance and Repair Personnel Training
Safe use planning (ANSI and CSA)
A safe use program specific to MEWPs must be developed by the user and must include, but not be limited to, the following:
- performing a site risk assessment to identify hazards, evaluate risk, develop control measures and communicate with affected persons
- selection, provision and use of a suitable MEWPs and work equipment associated with it;
- access, preparation and maintenance of the site, as required, to include an assessment that the support surface is adequate to support the weight of the MEWPs;
- MEWPs maintenance including inspection(s) and repairs as required by the standard and recommended by the manufacturer;
- only trained and authorized personnel are allowed to operate and/or occupy the MEWPs;
- familiarization of authorized MEWPs operator(s) with the specific MEWPs to be used;
- inform the operator of local site requirements and warn and provide the means to protect against identified hazards in the areas where the MEWPs will be operated;
- have trained and qualified supervisor to monitor the performance of the work of the operator to ensure compliance with provisions of this standard;
- prevention of unauthorized use of the MEWPs;
- safety of persons not involved in the operation of the MEWPs.
Supervisor Training (ANSI Only)
A major addition to the ANSI Standard is the requirement that the user must ensure that all personnel that directly supervise MEWPs operators are trained in the following areas:
- proper selection of the correct MEWPs for the work to be performed;
- the rules, regulations and standards that apply to MEWPs, including the provisions for safe use as defined in ANSI A92.22, training and familiarization, and the work being performed;
- potential hazards associated with use of MEWPs and the means to protect against identified hazards;
- knowledge that the manufacturer's operating manual(s) are an integral part of the equipment and need to be stored properly in the weather resistant compartment on the MEWPs.
Occupant Training (ANSI and CSA)
Another major addition, the MEWPs operator must now provide instruction or otherwise ensure that all occupants in the platform have a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWPs. This instruction must provide the occupants with the knowledge to complete the work activity in a safe manner on the MEWPs. It should also provide at least one of the occupants with the knowledge to operate the controls in an emergency where the operator cannot. It is important to note that this instruction does not give the occupant authorization to operate the controls at any time except in an emergency.
The knowledge that every occupant must have includes the following:
- the requirement to use fall protection and the location of fall protection anchors;
- factors including how their actions could affect stability;
- safe use of MEWPs accessories they are assigned to use;
- site specific work procedures the occupants must follow related to the operation of the MEWP;
- hazards related to the task at hand and their avoidance, to include any applicable site risk assessment;
- general knowledge of the intended purpose and function of MEWPs controls and safety-related items specified by the manufacturer, including emergency shut-down and lowering procedures, to the extent required to lower the MEWPs safely to the ground/stowed position (this requirement need only to be conveyed to at least one other occupant); and
- manufacturer's warnings and instructions.
Maintenance and Repair Personnel Training (CSA)
While ANSI has required maintenance personnel to be trained in the current standards, this will now also be a requirement in Canada. Users must ensure that maintenance and repair personnel are trained by a qualified person to inspect and maintain the MEWPs in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and ANSI and CSA standards.
In the case where a MEWPs is being rented, arrangements must be made by the owner to identify the entity that will be responsible for the inspections and maintenance activities described in this clause.
Final Comments
This article only scratches the surface of the changes that the industry will be facing. We will continue to develop additional articles to assist you in understanding the new requirements and provide ongoing suggestions and support to help you navigate the changes.
We encourage you to purchase a copy of the standards in order for you to achieve a full understanding of the requirements.